
Meetup Events

List of meetup events (physical or virtual)

Right Start Zoom Meet-Up

Have you considered opening a 100% cash office?  Would you like to break out of the insurance game and enjoy taking care of your patients?  In this Right Start Zoom Meet-Up, you’ll hear how! After separate associateships left them with bad habits and terrible concepts of the value of chiropractic, Dr. Jose and Nicole Hernandez …

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Finding Funding

Join us as Dr. Jeremy Brubaker and John McGuire explore the answers to the questions they hear most from those preparing to open a thriving chiropractic office. Like… -What are some Tips for Preparing my finances while in School? -Qualifications for funding- How do I measure up? -Credit Requirements & Clean up- How to? -How …

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Women’s Chiro Meet-Up

For Decades Jan Lane Carver has been known as a women who “would NOT allow negativity in her life”. She will be sharing with Dr. Malone in this meet-up what things she had to let go and what things she had to pick up to produce unstoppable success in her businesses and in her life!

Student Event- Logan University

Join AMC Right Start for a Live Logan U Student event! Are you concerned that once your up and running, you’ll need to do weekly screenings to produce enough new patients to make ends meet?  Would you like to learn other ways to fill your chiropractic office?  Then join us to learn how you can …

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Live Chiro Meet-Up

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn We know there is truth in this quote.  Since that is the case, shouldn’t you be meeting with the most successful chiropractors in your area and learning and growing together? We are providing an opportunity for Fayetteville, TN area …

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Be Our Guest!  Come and experience how you can have the practice you’ve always wanted, reach and help more patients, be the best doctor for you can be, and achieve new heights in practice by joining us at our live bootcamp event Sept 17/18, 2021.  Sit in on member classes, make connections with doctors just …

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JAX Chiro Meetup

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn We know there is truth in this quote.  Since that is the case, shouldn’t you be meeting with the most successful chiropractors in your area and learning and growing together?  Chiropractors used to hang out together and brainstorm ways …

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We are on an upward trend since joining AMC and keep having our best years ever! 🥳

Drs. Paul & Heather Fay

Because of my consistent efforts, I saw the most patients I ever have in a day and in a week! 👏

Dr. Suarez

We have been rocking it with new patients and are ready to keep that momentum going as we serve more and more people. 🤘

Drs. Rick and Jill Palma

I set all-time records in patient visit averages, total collections, and collection visit averages over the last few years. 👏

Dr. JP Whittaker

I had a $10,000 care plan accepted, which was amazing! 🙏

Dr. Bryan Hedlund

I collected $307K in my first year in practice! I also maintained an 85% closing percentage and had a $125 collection visit average. 👍

Dr. Miguel Esquinca

I keep having record years since becoming an AMC family member! 💪

Dr. Dan Yachter

My office achieved the highest total collections and highest CVA of my career! 🙌 

Dr. Tony Rea

I had my best year ever and grew $147K in collections! 🤩

Dr. Holly Cox

I closed 4 care plans in one day after coming back from the Atlanta Summit! 🥳

Dr. Angie Skokos