
Dr. Tom Owen

Dr. Tom Owen Chiropractic Coach

Dr. Tom Owen experienced the miracles of chiropractic at an early age. He had an injury at the age of 5 that crossed his eyes. If that was not enough, he was scheduled to have his intestines removed due to severe cramping. In both cases, chiropractic corrected all of the issues at hand. He also witnessed his brother recover from a fatal condition of asthma through chiropractic care. Thus, his dedication and life-long mission and passion for chiropractic and chiropractic coaching began. He graduated from Palmer chiropractic college in 1955 and was blessed with the opportunity to associate with the famous Drs. Boutwell brothers as well as close association with the late chiropractic philanthropist, Dr. William Harris. From this association with these greats early in his career, it set the course for greatness within this profession. He opened his first practice in 1957 and due to his love for helping chiropractors, he added his first associate in his second month of practice. In order to help other struggling doctors, he opened his second office in his third month of practice and his third office in his sixth month. His love and dedication for helping chiropractors spanned over 50 years. In that time, recognitions like an honorary Philosopher of Chiropractic (PHC) by Columbia Chiropractic College in 1967 as well as Fellowship in the Palmer Academy of Chiropractic have been given to him for helping graduate doctors of chiropractic. Dr. Owen lectured for state associations and chiropractic colleges from Washington State to New York. Not only did he personally practice for decades, he personally supervised the opening of over 1000 chiropractic clinics. He dedicated his life to the service of chiropractic and chiropractors. He was an advisor or consultant to over 5000 chiropractors. The list of accomplishments never seem to end ranging from such accomplishments as founder and director of chiropractic associations to co-ownership in multiple successful businesses to past-presidency of Toastmasters clubs. The simplest way to sum up the description of Dr. Tom Owen is the nickname he has been known as in this profession for decades which is “The Chiropractors’ Chiropractor”. This name is best defined by his willingness to help any chiropractor in business or practice at anytime.

Extraordinary Chiropractic Management

Probably one of Dr. Owen’s greatest accomplishments was his mission to insure the ongoing dedication to this profession of chiropractic coaching and chiropractic management by raising and teaching his children with the same passion, dedication and wisdom that was once given him. All of his children now have a minimum of 25 years of service and dedication to this great profession. In fact he told his son, Tom Owen III, President of AMC, that as soon as Tom could outrank him in chiropractic business knowledge that he would retire. Well, considering that Tom has gained the well deserved nickname of “The Chiropractors’ Businessman”, it should be easily understandable that Dr. Owen retired in the year 2000. He said the greatest evidence of his work is the empowering dedicated work that his children will continue for the further development of chiropractic and chiropractors in the company that his family co-founded named AMC. His life’s work mission is found in AMC’s motto: “WE ARE HERE TO HELP CHIROPRACTORS”.

“We are here to help chiropractors.”

Dr. Tom Owen's chiropractic coaching nickname was for decades “The Chiropractors’ Chiropractor”.